Lao PDR is one of the uniquely charming countries in Southeast Asia. Is a neighboring country with a border with Thailand And have a long relationship Communication and transportation are quite easy. This is the reason why many Thai entrepreneurs want to enter the Lao business market. But how many people will truly reach the needs of Lao people? Before thinking further in order to prepare to expand the resistance
The richest countries and businesses in ASEAN
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2564
Myanmar has free trade in the country and abroad, promoting the role of the private sector and opening up to direct investment. The state remains heavy and ineffective in the most relevant parts of the economy with deteriorating infrastructure. State-controlled activities dominate in energy, heavy industry and grain trade. The military of commercial affairs plays an important role in the economy.
วันพุธที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2564
Vietnam's economy in 2012 expanded at the lowest in 13 years, growing 5.0 percent from 5.9 percent.In 2011 it was the result of a declining expansion of the agricultural, industrial and service sectors by the sector.Agriculture grew by 2.7 percent from 5.2 percent in the previous year, while industrial sector grew by only one hundred.4.5 percent from the previous year which grew 6.8 percent due to weak domestic demand. InventoryStill at a high level And a decrease in credit from financial institutions. The construction has grown small.
In 2014, the Philippine economy expanded by 5 percent.6.1 Due to the increase in private consumptionContinuously Increased investment And the export startedRecovered, however, economic expansion ofPhilippines, down more than 1% from 2 years ago due toA slowdown in government spending
Singapore is not limited to initial investments. Investors need to study a feasibility study, such as the type of venture or business they are interested in, and travel to explore investment options by themselves. Or get advice from a consulting company Usually by investing in Singapore, investors can decide whether Whether to invest entirely or invest with local entrepreneurs And then prepare a project proposal report (Proposal to apply for company registration
Malaysia has had significant investments in infrastructure projects.And adjust the economic structure to be more diverse To reduceThis depends on income from oil and natural gas. Expected industryMalaysia's construction in 2016 will expand 8.7% (8.2% higher than 2015).And is expected to grow at 8.3%
On January 1, 2006, Thailand, as one of the World Trade Organization member states or the WTO, was required to liberalize trade in various fields. According to the agreement made together In which this includes Telecommunication business with the liberalization of telecommunications business There is an important issue that is to establish an independent supervisory board. There is support for competition from both local service providers.
Indonesia's economy is dependent on oil and natural gas exports. The oil industry is the most important source of income for Indonesia. Since the latter era has always been independent Which the Indonesian government has brought in income to develop economic infrastructure Especially in transport and communication, creating an industrial base with high investment. Aim to strengthen the industry of the country so
Lao PDR is one of the uniquely charming countries in Southeast Asia. Is a neighboring country with a border with Thailand And have a long ...

Brunei is a country rich in oil and natural gas, which is the number one income-producing product. But the Brunei government began to re...
Myanmar has free trade in the country and abroad, promoting the role of the private sector and opening up to direct investment. The state ...
Cambodia is one of the most promising markets in Southeast Asia (ASEAN) .Numerous foreign investors in the region are beginning to see oppor...